The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18872   Message #189485
Posted By: Mbo
04-Mar-00 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Subject: RE: BS: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
I don't know, Troll. Sometimes you just have to let go of a dream. I can still pick up my classical guitar...but I can barely remember the old pieces that I had so memorized that I could play them in my sleep. I can play some new stuff on it, but I have to realize that there will never again be the time I once had to devote to practicing. It's still there for fun, but a serious career in it is impossible now. I have an serious Design degree to work on now. I don't think I would have made a very good performer anyhow. At my final recital at community college, I played for about 20 friends and family. I was so scared and nervous that I could barely keep my hands still to play--a bad thing, especially when your right hand is supposed to be steady as a rock. And when I had to apologize in the middle of a piece for a break in concentration that caused me to forget what came next, my guitar teacher thought I was going to start crying. Hey! Those bananas DIDN'T work!
