The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96770   Message #1895021
Posted By: Ebbie
28-Nov-06 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: fiddle /violin can one learn both?
Subject: RE: fiddle /violin can one learn both?
In my experience of listening, I have never heard a violinist-turned- fiddler get over 'having gone to college' but some of them are exceptional listening. I know one woman who tried very hard to get over her training and 'do' bluegrass. In practice, it came out as muscular but not as fiddling.

Another woman, who, like the other woman, also started at an early age in classical training but she fiddles the heck out of a tune. The tunes may sound a little 'sweeter' than most fiddlers would create but she is wonderful to hear.