The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47133   Message #1895706
Posted By: GUEST,guest
29-Nov-06 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?Obit1-09
Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?
Charles County is and always will be the good ole boys kind of place. He gets away with everything because of fear. Fear of what reprocussions will occur if he is crossed. From what I hear he has money, power and a lawyer on retainer. He treats people like dirt with no remorse. He doesnt pay his taxes on his rentals and they get sold at a tax sale. Does he tell his tenants that they should look for another place?????? No. He rents them knowing the sheriff will show up one day and evict those who can least afford to move. You can see what he does by the tax records.

I wonder how many will show up for his funeral???? I wonder how many will jump for joy that the old bastard finally got what was coming to him????