The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96804   Message #1897148
Posted By: GUEST
30-Nov-06 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Subject: RE: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
The problem with the CFR is that its goal is to bring in a world government. So, Cheney was its director when he was a congressman and under oath to uphold the US Constitution. That's a conflict of intrest, and it's also treason.

Look at the number of elected politicians on the roles of the CFR. They too are violating their oaths.

And as far as Firth, I would classify him as...oops, made a mistake in my numbering above. The corrected categorization is below:
1) You're truly ignorant, or
2) You're terrified of the changing world and you think that if you parrot the govt's lies you'll be able to extend your existence, or
3) You're protecting your investment in the system (either a pension or a job or some imagined "standing" in the community), or
4) You work for the govt as either an active employee or a passive employee doing some kind of community service assigned to you by the court system.

I would classify Firth as a 2 or 3. He thinks denying reality will buy him some extra time perhaps, or, he's protecting a pension. These types display EXTREME knee-jerk reaction when presented with irrefutable proof. They claim victory and get out of the dangerous waters of truth with all possible haste. The Category 1's are the best because they just need a little education, and some of the Category 4's are not beyond education...they're just working off their community service and actually learn something while they bicker with you. But those Category 2 & 3's are a tough nut to crack. Category 2's just need to develop some spine and may do so after a personal run-in with the truth in the form of an abusive cop or a visit from Homeland Security after a "questionable" posting. Which leaves the Category 3's. There's the rub. They think they need to go along to get along...protect their investment in the system at all costs. After a hundred years socializing America, most Americans have something to protect...a pension, a job with a promise of a pension, money in the bank, etc. Can't speak out and run a risk of losing all that. Unfortunately, this Category will fight to the bitter end to protect what they think they "have." They feel they're part of the system, but they're just part of the digestive system, soon to be discarded in the natural order of things.