The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96491   Message #1897229
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
01-Dec-06 - 03:17 AM
Thread Name: Much great music in Greater Manchester?
Subject: RE: Much great music in Greater Manchester?
I went to the Song Carriers once in about 1974 I think at the Millstone at the back of Oldaham Road near the Unicorn I think. I went about 18 months ago to that pub in Sale....... Volunteer Rifleman?

I really enjoyed both evenings - quite unlike most other clubs. The songs are given pride of place. I cannot believe their is not a place for this kind of club in Greater Manchester

Do the people who are the Carriers have a geographical centre? Most crucial of all is a room fit for purpose and they are few and far between. Songs in the Snug at Lymm seems the nearest in spirit and that is a great night of songs and tunes.

Will their be another McColl day? Do we need a new thread?

