The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78973   Message #1897479
Posted By: Lighter
01-Dec-06 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 'Uncle Bud' Obscene Southern US Song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: 'Uncle Bud' Obscene Southern US Song
Hi, Bob. All Catters who know stanzas of this poorly documented song should post them.

A couple of notes:

Hart Stilwell, "Border City" (1945): "He was singing a little ditty about Uncle Bud trying to look like a Jersey bull--a ditty calculated to bring conversation in a mixed crowd to a dead halt in a hell of a hurry."

N.Y. Times, June 1, 1998: "Mr. Wolfe still has to complete the last chapter of his 700-page-plus novel, which only recently was given the title of 'A Man in Full.' The name was inspired by a South Georgia or North Florida folk song, which Mr. Wolfe recited with zest to the conventioneers: 'Uncle Bud was a man in full. He had a back like a Jersey bull. He didn't like taters. He didn't like pears. He's got a gal that's got no hairs.'"

From Internet in 1999: "If you're gonna be a man, be a man in full, let your bag hang down, like a Jersey bull."

All are clearly related.