The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96804   Message #1897523
Posted By: GUEST
01-Dec-06 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Subject: RE: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
No, those aren't valid categories. Humorous, but not valid. The post about Orwell's 1984 makes me think there may be a sub-category, though: "People who feel it's pointless to fight back, so they deny out of a sense of futility." But no, that's not really denial. It's even a kind of admission that things are as bad as I've indicated. So I would have to categorize Foolstroupe as a possible 2 or 3, if he or she is actually in denial. I suspect there's no denial there, however, but just a frustration about how to deal with it. And Grab doesn't seem to be in denial, just angry. That's good. Get angry at the messenger if necessary, as long as you get angry.

And I'm still waiting for more "Rockefeller / Masonic / Tin Foil" comments after posting David Rockefeller's feelings about you insects. His feelings IN HIS OWN WORDS. Tell me I imagined him saying those things. Got more if you want them. David R. is a talkative guy. He wants the historical CREDIT for killing you and subjecting your children to abject slavery.

Tweaking the wording of the Categories I've come up with so far...You deny and/or debunk the obvious truth about the world because:
1) You're truly ignorant, or
2) You're terrified of the changing world and you think that if you parrot the govt's lies you'll be able to extend your existence, or
3) You're protecting your investment in the system (a pension, a job, some imagined "standing" in the community, etc.), or
4) You work for the govt as an active employee, or you serve as a passive employee doing some kind of community service assigned to you by the court system.

Those four seem pretty all-encompassing, but I'm still working on it. Maybe I could develop this into a paper to send to the next Bilderberg meeting (if they exist).