The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91974   Message #1897625
Posted By: Shantyfreak
01-Dec-06 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: Songbooks: Missing C. Fox Smith Books?
Subject: RE: Missing C. Fox Smith Books?
As you folk can see Charley has been driving this little hunt recently (and with great success) but what neither us can hope to do alone is find the CFS poems that were not in her own books but were printed in the newspapers in Canada, in Punch, in The Spectator, Outlook, Country Life, The Times Literary Supplement, The Windsor Magazine . . .
She also wrotean unknown number of prefaces and articles for other writers as well as a number of travelogues, often with poems for chapter headings and light relief.
If any of you out there have any verifiable examples we would appreciate your help in producing a "Cicely Fox Smith Complete Poems" collection before her 125th birthday next February.