The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96807   Message #1897751
Posted By: GUEST,Wilfred Pennifere
01-Dec-06 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Will my hemmorhoids ease if I move to Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Will my hemmorhoids ease if I move to Canada
Well. I hardly know whether to be pleased or insulted. I have received significant amounts of rejection here, and that can't all be bad, but they are laced with an undercurrent of what I can only describe as a decidely nasty lack of respect!

I've changed my mind. I shall not move to Canada. You are going to have to do without Wilfred Pennifere! Don't try to change my mind. You had your chance and it's gone now. I am withdrawing my interest in your isolated and unfriendly shores. You can suffer in your figid solitudes without ME. Some other nation will benefit from my inestimable talents and gifts. Some other nation's beautiful women will thrill to the chance of becoming "Mrs Pennifere". You had your chance, Canada, and it's gone. Over. Done with. Finished. Kaput.

This is "Goodbye" from Wilfred Pennifere.