The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96804   Message #1897901
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Dec-06 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Subject: RE: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
The interesting thing is, when I was a young idealist I believed passionately in the desirability of developing a "One-World" united society on this planet, and getting past the era of competitive nationalism that has spawned so many terrible wars. I envisioned a World Bill of Rights, a World Minimum Wage, a World Justice System, a World Parliament, and so on...

BUT....what I was envisioning was a good world government which would give everyone freedom and equal rights and equal economic and educational opportunities!

That's not what's in the works. What is in the works is a form of business-driven, money-driven globalization which elevates a tiny financial elite into a position of unparalleled power and turns the rest of humanity into worker-bees, slave labour, criminals and unwitting dupes of the $ySStem.

It's natural that human beings should work toward larger cooperative associations. It's been happening all through history...although there is sometimes a backlash against the large centralized organizations, and a breaking up into smaller units. "Balkanization", in other words. So it swings back and forth at times like a pendulum.

The main problem right now is that it is very unscrupulous people who are in charge of globalization, and they are doing it for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the general public.