The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96804   Message #1898041
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Dec-06 - 12:31 AM
Thread Name: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Subject: RE: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
GUEST - One thing I'm curious have mentioned at one time or another that the people steering the New World Order are "communists". You have characterized them as "Trotskyite communists" and suggest that they are planning a war against Russia...Russia being presently run by "Leninists" such as Putin.

Well, I'm genuinely curious what you mean exactly when you use the term "communist" to identify these people? I don't ask that in order to ridicule it, I'm genuinely curious about your definition of "communist" in that context.

I think that an eventual war against Russia might be part of the overall plan of the PNAC, but I'm not sure about it one way or another at this point. Certainly there has been a concerted effort by the West to mortally damage Russia ever since the 80's, beginning by funding the Afghan resistance to the Russian occupation...which helped lead (indirectly) to the downfall of the entire Soviet system in '89...then gutting Russia socially and financially with the help of that dipsomaniac Yeltsin and the Russian Mafia...and using Muslim fundamentalism to help cause the breakup of the southern Soviet regions so that all the "Stans" would become independent entities and the western oil companies could move in and exploit the oil in the Black Sea area.

All those have been arrows aimed at the heart of Russia, and the Russians have a lot to be angry about right now.

But your characterization of the forces behind it as "communist" puzzles me. I would call them "coporatist" forces. They don't represent the Communist Party or the theories it was founded on. They represent a consortium of international banks and huge multinational corporations (particularly I should think the oil industry, the arms industry, the medical industries, the scientific industries, and the large media outlets). Those organizations are in business to make money, not to push the Communist why do you say they are "communist"?

One thing they do have in common with communists, though: They want to secure massive, centralized power in the hands of a small elite. They want all of the power, not just some of it. They want a de facto monopoly on political power, the broadcasting media, and the international marketing systems.

And that, of course, can be done if one controls most of the money and most of the military firepower. And it is being done, step by step. Pre-emptive war is part of the package...the part that is used on anyone who will not unconditionally surrender and cooperate 100% with the $ySStem.

That's the same approach the Nazis used on Czechoslovakia, Poland, and their other targets of choice...and on my grandfather when they sent their Gestapo hatchetmen to talk to him.

Anyway, please explain to me your use of the word "communist" in regards to the New World Order, the PNAC, etc...