The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92122   Message #1898045
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Dec-06 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Will this thread ever have 5000 posts?
Subject: RE: BS: Will this thread ever have 5000 posts?
That verse doesn't rhyme or scan quite well enough to be in my song. Close...but no cigar. And it's mean.

I accept the fact that Winona is not perfect. Evidently she has some emotional problems. Well, so do a lot of people. Take Chongo, for instance. My buddy the chimp. He is stuck in a cultural time warp. He wants to be a simian Philip Marlowe and he fantasizes about slinky human "dames" in slit skirts with page boy haircuts (I think that's what they're called...the kind where the hair is straight, usually black, bangs at the front, cut fairly short and curling in around the back and was a popular look in the 20's and 30's). He goes nuts for that look.

You could pick on Chongo over the rough points in his personality, and completely miss the good points, which are many.   He's a loyal friend, he has tremendous courage, a good sense of humour, and is very resourceful and tenacious and hard-working. He's a born romantic and his word is his bond. There's a lot to be said for that.

I think you're looking at Winona through the wrong end of the telescope, buddy, and maybe you oughta check out the beam in your own eye before you go picking on her.