The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18858   Message #189852
Posted By: Rick Fielding
05-Mar-00 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: If you'd like some airplay....
Subject: RE: If you'd like some airplay.....
Spaw. I truly hate to completely "diss" a fellow performer, but this guy is from another planet. He seems to have an absolutely unlimited financial base and the biggest ego that I've encountered in many a moon. You would not BELIEVE the crap that radio programmers get from him. It's the exploitation of long time respected musicians that really gets to me though. It would take too long to go into detail, but believe me, Odetta, Jean Ritchie, Homer Ledford, and Pete Seeger have not been well-served by his actions. Trouble is, that a huge amount of money can make for a real power base, and he does an internet radio show that attracts a lot of serious players looking for exposure.

Without all the hype he is a reasonably decent amateur musician in a Dylan mold, who plays adequate guitar, and pretty poor Seeger-style banjo. In one promo-blurb he claimed that what he does is "Arena-Folk", implying that the rest of folkies just don't think "big enough". Seriously turns my stomach. Now I'll probably hear from his lawyers.


Actually I would be interested in seein' the book Spaw. If ya send it to me, I'll read it and send it back.