The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96816   Message #1898746
Posted By: Deckman
02-Dec-06 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: At what age did YOU start a folk club?
Subject: RE: At what age did YOU start a folk club?
I was one of the founders of a very successful "folk club" in Seattle, Washington, USA, in 1953. I was 16! It started the ball rolling in the Seattle area and we lasted about four years until the FBI put us out of business. This was in the heyday of the "McCarthy Era." At our peak, we had a membership of something close to one hundred. But the "powers to be" decided that since we sang "subversive songs", such as Marching to Pretoria, etc., that we must be subversives. I was hauled into the FBI office and asked why I sang "Communist songs?" I said, "Because they have the BEST songs!" They didn't like my answer. Oh well ... Bob(deckman)Nelson