The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76215   Message #1898869
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
03-Dec-06 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: good ideas about sharp knives
Subject: RE: good ideas about sharp knives
One of the best cutting implements I ever bought was a small cleaver - not a knife. I bought it on the recommendation of the TV chef, Ken Hom. I bought it from the UK store 'Boots' and it has the name 'Ken Hom' engraved on the blade - for this reason I call it, "Ken Hom's Magnificent Chopper". It's great for cutting both vegetables (not spherical ones like onions or tomatoes, though) and meat.

The blade is not particularly sharp (hence less risk of cutting oneself). Although you might expect that you have to strike down with it - this is not the case. All you have to do is sort of press it into the foodstuff whilst drawing it towards you - the weight of the blade does the rest. Once the foodstuffs are chopped you can scoop them up with the flat of the blade. You can also use the flat of the blade for crushing garlic cloves. All in all a very useful implement.