The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96804   Message #1899323
Posted By: GUEST
03-Dec-06 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Subject: RE: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Yeah but fascism is just a step towards communism, historically. That's what I mean, this is a whole new mish-mash of political idologies. But it boils down to totalitarianism. Which Firth seems to be comfortable with. I'm not. World govt would be fine if it were benign and dedicated to the development of the individual, but we all know that's never going to happen now. Not with the current group running things. We already have a financial world govt and they're using terror, torture and oppression against us. So the days of la-dee-dah optimism are over. It's either get rid of the globalist forces and return to nationalism, or line up for the guillotines.

Tavistock Institute...been reading about that. Interesting stuff. Brainwashing. Good short article below:

Tavistock's Language Project: The Origins of "Newspeak"