The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2857   Message #1899653
Posted By: leeneia
04-Dec-06 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Origin: The Snow It Melts the Soonest
Subject: RE: The Snows They Melt the Soonest
I'm not the least suprised that the author of these lines decided to fade into obscurity. After penning this:

"For you must lie with me my lass then kiss and take your leave",

he no doubt found that his love life had gone right down the tubes. Every lass he met after that greeted his overtures with "Oh, you're the cocksure jerk that wrote 'The Snows they Melt the Soonest,' aren't you? Have a nice day."

How much do you wanna bet this song originated as a song in a play sung by an unsympathetic character?