The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76690   Message #1899928
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Dec-06 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Dunderbeck
Subject: RE: Origins: Dunderback's Terrible Machine(Dunderbeck)
E. J. Kahn, 1955, "The Merry Partners," (The Age and Stage of Harrigan and Hart), mentions their play, "The Major" (p. 69).

In this production, "he introduced an immigrant couple from Ireland who had felt impelled to make the long trip across the Atlantic simply because their son, who had previously come to America, was on the verge of marrying a Dutch [German] sausage-maker."
This is the only comment on the content of this production (which was revived a couple of times). Production date not given.

The book is a meandering flow of unorganized anecdotal excreta, absolutely useless to one interested in the productions and songs of the Harrigan-Hart group. There is no complete list of their productions, little or no mention of the content of the productions, no index.
Many pages are devoted to gangs and immigrant groups of New York, stealing of a merchant prince's body, Hart's paresis (third stage syphilis), etc.; in other words background setting and color.

"The Major" is mentioned again near the end of the book (p. 200) in connection with the opening of Harrigan and Hart's (second) Theatre Comique in 1881.