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Thread #96832   Message #1900286
Posted By: Paul Burke
05-Dec-06 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Wind turbine efficiency
Subject: RE: BS: Wind turbine efficiency
Sounds like a rather dumb solution. We've messed up the atmosphere, let's try to cure it by messing up the sea as well.

As for global dimming, that's already been implicated in the desertification of sub- Saharan Africa. The big problems with such schemes are that once you put it in, it's a devil of a job to get the stuff out again when you need to; and that you can't tell what it's going to do in enough detail to be sure whether it will make the problem better or worse.

Flywheels are big and very heavy, and need a lot of maintenence around the bearings. And if they crack up, it's like a bomb going off. Compressed looks a good solution, and you could probably replace the electric generators by compressors directly at the turbine shaft, though the pressure required to store a lot of energy sounds a bit frightening. Hydrogen is of course dangerous to storeas a gas, but I expect some clever scientists can work out a chemical way to store it if they haven't already.

There is another solution, currently used by nuclear power stations. These can't be turned on and off quickly to meet demand, and are kept on more-or-less constant (thermal) output. At times of low demand, the energy produced is usually just dumped. But in some cases, in the UK notably Wylfa power station in Anglesey, they have been combined with pumped- storage hydro- electric schemes. Water is pumped uphill at times of low demand, and can then be released to meet short- term peaks like when everybody puts the kettle on at the end of the Queen's Speech. This kind of scheme could be used to store energy from intermittent wind power.

They have of course all the disadvanages of hydroelectric schemes.