The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96946   Message #1901762
Posted By: autolycus
06-Dec-06 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
I say 'a plague on everybody's house' because most people believe in violence as a solution whether it is war, corporal punishment, discipline, hanging, punishment, a smack round the mouth depressingly etc. etc. The rest is mostly debating the numbers of angels on the pinhead, by analogy.

    We have government of the damaged, by the damaged, for the damaged.

    And there's money for colonising the moon, with Mars the longer-term aim.

    To slightly vary the wise words of the comedian Rebecca Front, we'll arrive on another planet one day, and demand regime change the following day. On so on to our oblivion.

      And all because we are not prepared to face our individual selves.

       Oh, and just as a reminder, it was the West that

   a)armed Saddam in the first place and

   b) gave him the money to buy the beastly arms.

   Gives a fresh meaning to reaping what you sow.

   Lots of love
