The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96946   Message #1903327
Posted By: Ron Davies
08-Dec-06 - 07:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...

The US "will prevail", you assure us. Gee thanks, that makes it all better.

The only thing wrong is that at this point, and probably long since, it has been out of the hands of the "Coalition". How many times do we have to tell you that it is fundamentally a question of IRAQI politics--- before it finally sinks into your giant brain?

I've been saying for over a year now that if you don't take Sunnis' wishes into account--specifically their need for oil income and their need to be able to trust the police-- you ensure a bottomless supply of terrorists. Your response is that ALL Sunnis are like hardcore Nazis in 1945--and therefore deserve no consideration.

As I've said earlier, this is drivel--dangerous drivel.

It's your attitude, as manifested by Shiite leaders in Iraq, which makes peace in Iraq--(even the rump state, without the northern Kurdish area, which is gone from "Iraq" for good)--- impossible---ever.