The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96942   Message #1903959
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Dec-06 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: The right to attack - what gall!
Subject: RE: BS: The right to attack - what gall!
It is quietly accepted by all nations, including the USA, that Israel has a large number of nuclear weapons, Slag, but Israel's policy has been to neither say "yes" or "no" as to whether that is so. And USA policy has been not to ask. There's a reason for that. The USA would be legally required by it's own rules to withhold military aid to Israel if Israel admitted to having nuclear weapons, because they are not allowed to by the non-proliferation treaties. The USA gives Israel about $2 billion a year in military aid, and wishes to continue doing so.

There was an article explaining all that in detail in the Toronto Star (a major Canadian newspaper) today. If I can find a link to it, I will post it.

This is a case of Israel not openly saying what everyone knows anyway, for technical legal reasons which are vital to Israel and the USA.

The Arabs resent it. They say it's a double standard. They're right about that.

If Israel did not make a practice of brazenly invading their neighbours from time to time, and brazenly settling lands outside the 1948 borders of Israel, Slag, then you would be right...their posture would be entirely defensive. Howevever, that has not been the case.

"The hate-spouting Islamic fascists ARE a threat."

Agreed! Yes, indeed. They certainly are.

There are clearly a good many hate-spouting Islamic warriors who fit the description you have given of them, and I agree with it. But they do not represent all Muslims by any means. They're the extremists. There are many moderate Muslims, and they have legitimate concerns and legitimate reasons to be upset with Israel.

The more extreme Israeli Zionists are also a threat. It cuts both way.

Individual extremists in paramilitary groups like Hezbollah or Hamas will generally make much more inflammatory statements than national governments will, because they can get away with it without suffering the same repercussions, and they're preaching to the choir (their warriors). That goes with the territory. You cannot dismiss all Muslims who are angry with Israel on the basis of a few loudmouth fanatics among their worst extremists.

BB - As far as I can see, you just are not emotionally capable of looking at an issue involving Jews in an impartial fashion, due to the terrible historical suffering they have already endured for the last 2,000 or more years, and your keen awareness of it. You want one rule of judgement to apply to them now (no accountability for wrongdoing), and a different rule of judgement upon all other people (normal accountability for wrongdoing). Well, I don't buy it. I still say that both sides are wrong in this Middle East dispute...insofar as they both engage in unjustified violence and hatred and they have no respect or goodwill toward each other.

Both need to swallow their pride, forgive what happened in the past, and listen with respect to the other's concerns, and make reasonable compromises toward living in peace together.

It's not a war anyone is going to win...but they sure could both lose it. And if so, we all lose.