The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18872   Message #190397
Posted By: Bert
06-Mar-00 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Subject: RE: BS: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
I think Caitrin said it all 'you put your heart into it'

Hi Ana, as I am a singer but NOT a musician your question really stood out. I don't think that the voice is really the same as an instrument although it can be used as such. For me singing comes without much effort but playing an instrument is very difficult. A few chords on the guitar is about my limit and I don't always get them right. But I sing a lot and never think of it as 'practicing'. Do instrumentalists do the same? Does it come as easily to them as singing does to me?
