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Thread #96946   Message #1904011
Posted By: GUEST,282RA
08-Dec-06 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
>>282RA - I do NOT think of Americans as cowards, and I will not think of them as cowards even if they should precipitately pull out of Iraq.<<

Talk is cheap. America's defeat will not be cheap for anyone and that includes you. So you remember what you said because I will be here to hold you to it once you finally realize how utterly self-absorbed, delusional and arrogant Americans really truly are.

>>I think of your government as misguided, irresponsible, and idiotic, but do not think of Americans as cowards. Not for a minute. Americans are tough people, and they have always shown great courage and independence when times are tough.<<

Let's see, when times got tough in WW2, we sent to the Russians to die battling Hitler so we wouldn't have to. As for WW1, we spent a whopping 6 months fighting in that one. When times got tough in Korea, we fled and North Korea is STILL a threat as a result. When times got tough in Vietnam we fled. Now times are tough in Iraq and we are getting ready to flee. No one's talking about Afghanistan but that one is worse off than Iraq and we are going to flee from there too. And we'll leave the rest of the world trying to sort it out while we blame the whole mess on them not helping us (after we told them we didn't need their help). I guess I was born in a different country called the United States of America because I haven't seen any of this "great courage" in my lifetime. What specifically are you referring to?

>>The reason I want to see America leave Iraq is simply because I don't think they had justification for going there in the first place. No matter when or how they leave, it's going to be a very tough time for the Iraqis, but anyone who thinks ordinary Americans or their soldiers are cowards is just plain lost in his own delusions and anti-American rhetoric.<<

This from someone who said in an earlier post that he wants to see America leave Iraq in disgrace. Get that straight. George Bush wasn't truly elected by the people in his first term but he sure was in the second and so was that unbelievably corrupt 109th Congress that allowed him to do anything and everything he damned well pleased. I am sick to death of seeing morons defending a country that desperately needs to have its stupid ass kicked for fucking up the world and thinking it has every right to and no one else has any right to complain. That is not a country I could or would EVER defend and I'll kill myself before I ever do. America taught me that in school. We're not supposed to be doing the things we are doing. That's not supposed to be what we stand for. And when I find out it's all a dirty, cheap lie I'm supposed to the Little Chicken way out and say, "But I still love you" For what???? You tell me--for what??