The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18872   Message #190483
Posted By: Mark Clark
06-Mar-00 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Subject: RE: BS: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Most of the people I've played music with over the years make a distinction similir to the one Homeless used to begin this thread. The distinction they make isn't one of "heart" or dedication or remuneration and I'm not sure how to define the difference except to relate some of what they told me.

If a person can play "Cripple Creek," for example, but not "Old Joe Clark" then they haven't learned to play their instruments, they've only learned to play certain tunes on them. "Players" can jump into a session and immediately play along and contribute on tunes they've never heard. They can "sing" using their instruments just as a vocalist can with his or her voice. This ability is, I think, independent of issues like originality, taste, soul and technical virtuosity.

The great wonder and joy of music---and folk music especially---is that most people can learn to play some tunes on some instruments, even if they don't become "players." I don't know whether the distinction determines whether or not a person is a musician but there is definately a difference.

- Mark