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Thread #96946   Message #1904911
Posted By: Teribus
09-Dec-06 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
OK 282AR start your draft to fail and face defeat in Iraq, but done to save US "face", start it on Monday - How many hundreds of thousands of people turn up? Where do you send them? Where do they report to? Who trains them? Who decides what specialisations they are trained in? Conscripts = Cannon Fodder in modern warfare they are completely fuckin' useless.

They are more motivated because they want to get home quick, you have got to be kidding right? Quickest way home is to drop your weapon and run like fuck at the first opportunity. Oldtime motto of the US armed forces in the Vietnam era when up against it - "Let's get the fuck out of here" - The Australians in Vietnam would rather be surrounded by Viet Cong than supported by US Conscript Troops - That is a measure of how good your draftees would be. Your conscript troops got their arses kicked and were totally defeated in Vietnam and the same would happen to them in Iraq, now tell me that wasn't the case, and tell me why you think your daftees would do better in Iraq.

When it comes to gathering intelligence information on your enemy in a counter-insurgency situation the "local element" is essential. Now America has never faced this sort of enemy before, and at present you are not doing very well, you do not have a clue how to win the local populace over to your side, but the locally recruited volunteers of the new Iraqi Army does. Believe me 282AR the average Iraqi civilian would sooner talk to one of his own than to any body-armour bedecked US Army or Marine Corps squaddie armed to the teeth enclosed in his Humvee, kitted out in Kevlar Helmet and sunglasses. Your comment - "who cares about subhuman towleheads, right, Teribus?" are YOUR WORDS NOT MINE - I would NEVER subscribe to such a view, and I would very much doubt if any serving member of HM Forces would either.

Your comment - "By training them, we are teaching them how to beat Americans. That is extremely stupid. We have to get our troops oout of there BEFORE we train them or they will use our own tactics against us." Has got to be the most ludicrous thing I have EVER read. Are you really that idiotic "We have to get our own troops out before we train them" - utterly fuckin' ridiculous, your statement makes no sense at all.

Believe me if attacked on US soil again, if left to most people on this forum you would roll over and surrender.