The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18954   Message #190508
Posted By: Grey Wolf
06-Mar-00 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: Help: Using copyrighted Real Audio on web pag
Subject: Using copyrighted Real Audio on web page
I'm currently attemting to put together some pages on a few well known British folkies.

In addition to offering the usual lyrics, photos, biographies etc. I'd like to be able to offer short Real Audio samples of the songs in a similar way to the online music stores.

I could of course simply link to the relevant files on their servers, but for a number of reasons, don't really want to do that.

I remember reading a while ago that all the web based music stores used the same supplier for the real audio samples. Anyone know who it is?

Emails to numerous commercial sites have been unanswered.

My site wil be completely uncommercial, but I'd be willing to pay a small amount to use legitimate audio files.

Any thoughts appreciated
