The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97056   Message #1905299
Posted By: NH Dave
10-Dec-06 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kendall's had another operation(update)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's had another operation
Kendal, you have to remember that hospitals pay poorly, and hire cheap, so that the real nurses we were accustomed to in our youth have been replaced by a group of people just off the street, supervised by one real nurse for the entire floor. In this respect, hospital care has gone way, way down. On the other hand medical science has progressed so far and fast that even the cheap help can't totally diminish the miracles that can be achieved in medicine these days.

Get well soon, but don't push things too much. Good effects come from small steps forward, not giant attempts at leaps.

Mary - And you never said a word! Bad Mary.
