The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96946   Message #1905307
Posted By: Teribus
10-Dec-06 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
The situation in Iraq is far from simple, as Bobert would like us to believe.

Point 1: No one is currently "at war" in Iraq, be that civil war or otherwise, if there was a civil war in Iraq at the moment everybody and their dog would know about it - widespread large scale operations - extremely heavy casualty figures - clearly identifiable sides, those sides or factions having clearly stated aims. None of these are present in Iraq at the moment, there is no cvil war in Iraq.

Point 2: What you do have in parts of Iraq is an insurrection by a number of disparate, disaffected groups with widely varying agendas.

These groups can only be combatted by effective intelligence and with the help of the local communities in the areas that these insurgent groups operate in. It is far easier for Iraqi Army units to implement this, rather than MNF units. This is the tactic that is increasingly being used. The other means of combatting these groups is by education, you show the people in the conflict areas how people in the more peaceful parts of the country are progressing - give them something to compare their situation with along with the message get rid of the insurgents and your lives will improve dramatically.

Point 3: What you have in parts of Iraq is sectarian violence and out-and-out criminality (7 out of 10 kidnappings in Iraq are criminal aimed at obtaining ransom).

This can only be countered by the Iraqi Police Forces because you are dealing with the crimes of murder, kidnapping, extortion, etc. Remember Saddam emptying all the prisons just prior to the invasion (He didn't let his political prisoners go though - He had all of those executed).

Now MNF troops can train and provide as much support and technology as required but it will be the Iraqi troops and policemen that will deliver the goods. They will not do that unless the firmly voiced commitment to stand alongside them is given time, after time, after time. You have got to realise that this will take a long, long time, unacceptable and unpalatable as this may be to the left-wing, anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Blair camp who tend to have the attention spans of goldfish - Oh and Bobert if you check you will find that that is what I have always said.