The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96942   Message #1905317
Posted By: Teribus
10-Dec-06 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: The right to attack - what gall!
Subject: RE: BS: The right to attack - what gall!
freda underhill - 10 Dec 06 - 08:18 AM

"But after Dubya's "Axis of Evil" speech, I can understand that Iranians may feel a little nervous, vulnerable even. I believe their head of government cited that speech as his reason for developing nuclear weapons."

Now that can hardly be right freda, can it? Iran's nuclear programme was up and running long before GWB was elected to office. The "Axis of Evil" speach was delivered on 29th January, 2002, the existence of the two completed "secret" uranium enrichment facilities was exposed in 2002, now having been completed that would logically tend to suggest that they were planned and constructed long before Dubya's speech, wouldn't it? Oh and freda the centrifuges in those facilities are of the type used to enrich weapons grade material - secret facilities + weapons grade material producing equipment = NO PEACEFUL INTENT.