The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96937   Message #1906761
Posted By: Declan
11-Dec-06 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: I walked out of session
Subject: RE: I walked out of session

I don't agree with your post at all. The musicians who play in the session are the ones who decide what to play. It is not a waste of the room, they are having the session they want to have. Sessions are not generally performances for audiences.   They are primarily for the musicains who play in them, but a lot of people love to go along and listen to that. There are loads of places in Dublin you'll find sing alongs. If thats what you want go to those places. If this sounds elitist then so be it.

Soldier boy your generalisation about tunes palyers, as with most generalisations is suspect at best. I know lots of them who will oblige by necking drink down all night and lots of people who go to hear them who do likewise.