The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97110   Message #1907279
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
12-Dec-06 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: Debating with deniers
Subject: RE: Debating with deniers
I listened to an interview on CBC with a gentleman in my home town who survived Auschwitz; who previously had never made it public knowledge that he was a survivor of the concentration camp. One of his customers was talking to him about his daughters school running a project on WW2. When he mentioned he was at Auschwitz, the customer persuaded him to talk to her class, he reluctantly did; something which for him raised so many memories of pain and suffering he never wants to do it again. He reluctantly gave the short interview to CBC to explain why he does not care to recall his experiences. Living proof, but what a hell of a way to live, non of his family survived, only him, and he wonders why every day of his life. I read the letters and reports of so called Doctors Finke and Rascher at Dachau who conducted the most horrific experiments on live human beings. There is a duty to debate with deniers everywhere, Lest We Forget and are forced to relive this history.

Yours, Aye. Dave