The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96946   Message #1907390
Posted By: Teribus
12-Dec-06 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
OK Ron let's recap shall we?

On any specific points please tell me where I am wrong:

Ron Davies - wants the troops of the Multi National Force out of Iraq as soon as possible.

Teribus - wants the troops of the Multi National Force to remain inplace until such time as the Government of Iraq asks them to leave or they are ordered to leave when their UN Mandate expires.

Now taking into account that the vast majority of acts of violence being perpetrated in Iraq today are sectarian bombings, kidnappings and murders, does anybody think that reducing the forces of law and order would be beneficial at this point.

When was the last time anybody heard anything about Al-Queda-in-Iraq? When was the last notable insurgent strike against "the-forces-of-the-oppressor"?

Ron Davies - Gravely concerned about the ARAB SUNNI minority, who in general are currently backing the insurgents, albeit in various degrees in terms of active support, passive support or in mainting a sort of strict neutrality. Ron's concerns are centred on how this ARAB SUNNI minority might be treated by the newly elected Iraq Government operating under the terms of the new Iraqi Constitution.

Teribus - Not concerned about the ARAB SUNNI minority in the slightest. They have exactly the same rights under law as any other Iraqi citizen. Teribus believes that it is up to the ARAB SUNNI minority to demonstrate to the entire population of Iraq that they actually want to live peacefully as Iraqi citizens. For them to do this they have to abandon ALL support for the insurrection, they must provide the forces of law and order with ALL necessary assistance in order to establish rule of law and order in their country.

"Payback" is what the ARAB SUNNI minority fear, the prospect of it causes them to distrust the Iraqi Police and Iraqi Army. OK Ron, where does this collective concern come from? Could it possibly be "collective guilt" for past behaviour towards the majority of Iraqi citizens during the period 1979 and 2003? Unfortunately in looking at this Ron employs his American mindset and outlook to the problem. So "most" ARAB SUNNI's had nothing to do with the excesses of Saddam's regime, Ron, don't look to the ARAB SUNNI man in the street to jump up and proclaim that. The ARAB SUNNI man in the street does not even have an opinion, or if he does he knows full well never to express it if it runs counter to what he was told to think and how he was told to behave the previous Friday at the Mosque. Because his local tribal chief, his local Sheik, his local Immam do his thinking for him. Politically the ARAB SUNNI minority are not a mass of individuals they are basically a flock of sheep, the same can be said for the ARAB SHIA, they will blindly do what one or two people tell them to do, irrespective of whether or not it happens to be in their best interests. This is true throughout the region.

Ron Davies - believes that their way forward is to carry on as they are doing and just sit back and demand rights and privileges, whilst blackmailing the country at large with insurrection and terrorist attacks. Ron's way supports their boycott of the political process and complete lack of political dialogue

Teribus - believes that their way forward is to actually take a step of faith in their new government. Get behind the forces of law and order. Actively engage in the political process.

All of this is demonstrated in one of Ron's posts:

"You want Sunnis to provide proof that they are willing to live in Iraq with the same rights as others. I submit that most already do so-- and would only like to have jobs, electricity, running water etc.-- the same desires as other Iraqis. However the Sunnis would also like to not be arrested or killed for having a Sunni name."

Now have a good read of that.

With regard to JOBS:
Plenty of jobs in Kurdish areas, well paid jobs too. People from Anbar and Sallahadin Provinces go there to find work. Why is there no reconstruction work in their own Provinces Ron? Anything to do with a bunch of terrorists telling them that any work on any reconstruction project will be regarded as collaboration with the "enemy", and that the penalty for collaboration is death? Don't they need Policemen and Army Recruits from those Provinces Ron? Surely the ARAB SUNNI minority would trust their own kind wouldn't they Ron? Who, or what is stopping young ARAB SUNNI men from applying for those positions?

Who is it that is attacking and sabotaging the power grid and generation capacity of Iraq within those areas Ron? Shia or Sunni Kurds? - No. SHIA ARABS? - No. SUNNI ARABS? - YES

Who is it that is attacking and sabotaging water supplies in these provinces Ron? Shia or Sunni Kurds? - No. SHIA ARABS? - No. SUNNI ARABS? - YES

Are the bulk of the SUNNI ARAB population in these provinces doing anything about that considering Ron's contention that they want electricity and running water, etc - NO.

"However the ....... (Insert name of whatever ethnic/religious sect) would also like to not be arrested or killed for having a .......(Insert name of whatever point of distinction that identifies anyone as belonging to that ethnic/religious sect)" The bulk of the violence in Iraq today is sectarian both and is largely restricted to the ARAB population both SUNNI and SHIA, both sides have their concerns that I am sure they can fully justify, but somebody somewhere along the line has to take that first leap of faith, in today's Iraq that has to be the SUNNI ARAB section of the population.