The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97110   Message #1907671
Posted By: Wolfgang
12-Dec-06 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Debating with deniers
Subject: RE: Debating with deniers
Thousands died in front of our eyes

English translation of an interview with an Auschwitz survivor (more interviews with eye witnesses in the links at the end of this interview)

You should realise that you can't debate and win with the deniers. They have responses to each document or argument. They are (what in science is called) paradoxers. Whatever for you is proof isn't for them. They do not debate the way you are used to debate, so you will only be frustrated, unless... realise that those who listen to such a debate are your target group. Those who want to be convinced before believing what they have learned. Those who have made the experience that sometimes they have not been told the truth. Those who rather believe the minority. In your debates with deniers these basically good people are the group you are really talking to. The deniers will not be convinced by any argument. But if you convince only 10% of those who listen to the debate you have done a great job.
