The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97110   Message #1907685
Posted By: GUEST,lox
12-Dec-06 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Debating with deniers
Subject: RE: Debating with deniers
"Holocausts are not exclusive to the Jews."

mmm hmmm

"Is there anywhere on the planet, at any given time in our history, where man has not tryed to wipe out entire races or enslaved them?"

mmmm hmmm

All very interesting, but how does it help us to come to a conclusion about whether it is worth arguing with holocaust deniers?

Are you saying that because these things are true that therefore we should not make a fuss when a nation/state sanctions a bogus investigation into whether the holocaust happened or not?

We aren't talking about a playground prank here, we are talking about a politically significant statement of ideology. I am not a jew, but I am insulted by the crass nature of such a stunt since I am a human and it was a crime by humans against humans and serves as evidence of what we are capable of given the right brainwashing.

What is your point?

Why say what you said?

Read the fucking question and the original post and try to give an intelligent answer and not just a "clever" one!

And as for you "ignore them and they'll go away" advocates, I presume you are aware that that is precise;ly the attitude that allowed the original holocaust to happen.

What about young angry muslims in Indonesia, Pakistan, the UK, USA, North Africa, Central Asia from Chechnya through to China etc etc etc ... Intelligent, and subject to persuasion (just like young people everywhere).

If they here only one side of the debate, what point of view do you think they are likely to form.

Now I don't believe in Panic and this information doesn't inspire it in me. What does freak me out is the glib, smug, dissociated, arrogant and offhand way that people are willing to accept emanations such as that one from Iran.

If you don't care then fine, but if your response is "bloody whinging Jews complaining again" then you need to buck your ideas up pronto.