The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #680   Message #1908
Posted By: dick greenhaus
04-Feb-97 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Anchors Aweigh
Subject: Anchors Aweigh
Hi- As far as I can tell, the only verse in Anchors Aweigh that anyone remembers is:

Anchors aweigh, my boys, anchors aweigh Farewell to college joys, we sail at break of day (day, day, day) On our last night ashore, drink to the foam And, till we meet again Here's wishing you a happy voyage home.

My question is where in hell did this verse come from? The song was (as per the 1941 Academy songbook) a football fight song (On, Navy, down the field). The verse in question did not appear.

Any knowledgable swabbies out there?