The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96946   Message #1908058
Posted By: Ron Davies
12-Dec-06 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Subject: RE: BS: US Now Officially Losing in Iraq...
Uh, Teribus--will you ever start reading your own questions? Even when you provide your own answers, you don't seem to notice.

Don't have much time now. But just to pick one question of yours that actually makes sense--a major step forward: Why aren't young Sunnis signing up for the Iraqi army or police? As you noted yourself, even trying to do so would be very dangerous. Do you by some chance recall the attacks on young men lining up for such jobs? It shouldn't take you long to find such references. And just think, if you wait a little while, it may well happen again.

You are falling into the old military trap (being one of the old military, it's not surprising)--you think every problem can be solved by military means.

It should be obvious to anybody with a modicum of sense--might that possibly include you?--that the Iraq situation is at bottom a political question. As long as the political issues are not settled, it won't make any difference how big the Iraq army or police is. At this point, Sunnis in general want no part of either. As much as it annoys you- it really breaks my heart to tell you--for the n th time---I wonder how many more times it will take until you start to understand--- Iraq will have to take Sunnis' interests into account.

In fact, it appears the US military may finally be realizing what it will take you a few more centuries to grasp---that actually one of the best counterinsurgency techniques in Iraq would be to provide civilian employment. The army is now trying to convince US firms to set up shop in abandoned or underused facilities. With unemployment at 70% in some areas, and breadwinners responsible for up to 15 dependents, some heads of household are taking insurgents' money to set up bombs, etc. As well as being so discouraged and infuriated as to strike out against anybody.

Both of which could be addressed by employment.

And not by your favorite solution--a bigger military and police.

So sorry--but maybe you'll realize this eventually.