The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96765   Message #1908645
Posted By: Pistachio
13-Dec-06 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Martyn Wyndham-Read 15th Dec MRFC
Subject: RE: Martyn Wyndham-Read 15th Dec MRFC
I've cadged a lift off Pete and Rosie!

If I've got my lung capacity back , I'll sing with or without the Lady Kelly. Sadly I'm wheezing my way into the festive season but have been medicated and shoud have markedly improved by Friday - that said, I'll probably steer clear of the tipples on offer and enjoy a nice cup of Tea!

Whatever, looking forward to the trip south, as passenger. They take some getting used to those North Lincolnshire roads.

If this message seems a bit mixed up it's because my mudcat page didn't reveal my previous message of 11/12 and it's only after trying to send this messagew three times (and not watching it jump to the top) that I'm trying a different technique! Daring! Wish me luck.