The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97159   Message #1912013
Posted By: Declan
17-Dec-06 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Is Trad Jazz part of the Folk Scene
Subject: RE: Is Trad Jazz part of the Folk Scene
A lot of people on this forum and elsewhere seem to view folk music from their own perspectives, I suppose we all do to some extent.

The question has been interpreted by some as meaning "is trad Jazz acceptable in English Folk clubs", where others started to talk about traditional English folk.

Someone early in the thread even suggested that it was okay to bring in "non-folk music such as bluegrass" occasionally.

Now whatever about trad. jazz which to me is a folk music which grew up in the melting pot that is the US, anyone who thinks that bluegrass isn't folk music wears a very narrow pair of blinkers indeed.