The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18872   Message #191282
Posted By: Froodo
07-Mar-00 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Subject: RE: BS: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music

I'd say you are playing music. Perhaps slowly and unskillfully, but you are creating music...hence a musician at that time...but maybe not by trade.

Are you suggesting that the term musician should be defined based on skill level? If so, where is the line drawn. When is one skillful enough? What criteria is being used to separate unskilled "players" and qulaified "musicians?" Does on acheive the musician level by incorporating diminished 7th cords?

At the very basic level, I have given my definition of what musician means. Perhaps at this time I should elaborate a bit more to include the following:

Musicians are people that are essentially addicted to creating and playing music. Music is a top priority. Musicians without music can't survive. Whereas, hockey players without music (given that they're not musicians) can survive. I think that this addition to my original definition includes the dedication needed and the assumption that the person at hand can actually play their instrument (as well as own it) and has and continues to invest the time and creativity needed to reach a level of satisfaction.