The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18872   Message #191304
Posted By: Homeless
07-Mar-00 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Subject: RE: BS: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Having read over this thread the past few days (and really enjoyed seeing all the different viewpoints) I can see I made a major mistake. I used a couple of terms where I should have used definitions. My problem was that I was trying to figure out the definition. So. If you look at my post of 04-Mar-00 - 07:40 PM, ignore all the references to "musician" and substitute "person" and see where I give examples of what I am trying to define, maybe someone can give me a definition to fit the examples, or even (gasp) a term? Takers?