The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3697   Message #19131
Posted By: Bob Landry
12-Jan-98 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Old Woman in Belfast
Denis, I got these words from my cousin's daughter's husband some time ago. I thought is was the Old Lady from Wexford/Mabou but upon closer inspection found I was seriously mistaken. I have no idea who wrote this, how the tune goes, or what the chords are. But maybe it is what your friend is looking for.


There was an old woman in Belfast did dwell,
Constipation was givin' her hell.
She went to the doctor cause she couldn't ****,
And he gave her a bottle to make her alright.

With me yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!

Well that very night she went straight home to bed.
She stood on her hands and she stood on her head.
But modesty wasn't a part of that lass,
She opened the window and stuck out her ***.

With me yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!

Now Officer McNilly was doing his beat.
Right at the corner of that very street.
Gazin' away at the stars in the sky,
When a big lump of **** caught him right in the eye.

With me yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!

Now, this guy McNilly, he cursed and he swore.
Said "Take in you ***, you dirty old *****!"
Now down on the side street, you'll see him there sit,
With a card 'round his neck, sayin' "Blinded by ****!"

With me yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!

Now, she **** all that night and she **** all that day.
They called for the council to take it away.
And when the council-men came, they said "Oh, what a sight!"
There was mountains and mountains and mountains of ****!

With me yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!

Now, this is the end of this old Belfast farce,
About that old woman's undependable ****.
So, if you're in Belfast, especially at night.
Never mind the bullets, look out for ... THAT'S RIGHT!

With me yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!
yeah, yeah, torilay - eah!