The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19000   Message #191356
Posted By: fblair
07-Mar-00 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Bide Ye Yet
Subject: Bide Ye Yet
Does anyone have the lyrics to a Scottish song called "Bide Ye Yet"? I believe the first verse goes something like :

If I had a wee hoose and a canty wee fire
A bonnie wee lassie tae please and admire
A bonnie wee farm beside a wee burn
Farewell tae the laddies and gallop (?) and moan

The Refrain is something like :

Bide yet yet and bide ye yet
Ye've little ken what's tae betide ye yet
A bonnie wee lassie may fa' tae yer lot

Any help is greatly appreciated! - Frank