The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97318 Message #1913754
Posted By: Tinker
19-Dec-06 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Twas the night before Mudcat Xmas 06
Subject: RE: Twas the night before Mudcat Xmas 06
Ah Wizzy the padgent was perect-- Grandpa smiled long And tradition was snubbed in favor of song The angels they flitted-- never on cue And the candles waved wildly like a concert I knew
But the old guard was mumbling it's just not the same Changing tradition is not why I came And I heard round the youth group from teens old and new How dare you change things -we know better than you ..
Cradle Episcopalians of 15 plus years Shaking their heads, tisk tisk Hrummphears And I heard them exclaim as they walked through the door Those youngsters have no respect for our traditinal lore.