The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97317   Message #1913803
Posted By: Amos
19-Dec-06 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: speed restrictions in cars
Subject: RE: BS: speed restrictions in cars
In Singapore, not only the taxis but the commercially-licensed trucks and vans have a flashing yellow light on the top that flashes "I'm speeding" when the car exceeds the limit. I have heard that Singapore requires governors on private vehicles sold, but I am not positive of this.

In Mexico, driving is a death-defying art in which you are often required to pass large slow lorries on curvy two-lane roads. This is a test of your extra-sensory abilities of perception. Every now and then you pass a broken-out guard rail with some car or bus down in the valley below that failed the test. I am extremely thankful I had the extra power of a large Chevy V8 engine under me when I drove through the Mexican highlands, which I did regularly for a year without a mishap.

The REAL issue is not the machines and limiting them. It is human sanity and human judgement. That is a much tougher nut to crack, but that's where the real solution lies. If we understood how to raise individual responsibility as easily as we can raise taxes and blood-pressures in others, we'd be richer by far than we are today.

One of the first things I did when teaching my daughter to drive was to take her out in a large dirt parking lot and have her floor the accelerator, slam on the brakes, and do skids intentionally, just show she would be able to knwo and respect the limits and behaviors of the machine at the extremes. She's never had an accident yet.
Knock on wood. But the point is that she understood something about the machine she was running. It's a LOT easier to be responsible for something when you understand it.