The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96937   Message #1914642
Posted By: GUEST
20-Dec-06 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: I walked out of session
Subject: RE: I walked out of session
I haven't mentioned whether I am good or bad, just that I expect courtesy. Not arrogance, just simply do unto others as you would be done to. If you can't understand that then you would probably be sat with them!
They showed arrogance by being discourteous to another performer but expect absolute silence when they play!
The local I mentioned will literally sulk for weeks if anyone speaks during his 'spot' and yet is well known for ignoring others. He will even pick his banjo up and play a totally different tune in an acoustic session. He has been involved in numerous folk bands which have all dissolved because of his self-obsession. 30yrs too late for friendly persuasion!
I have already mentioned it but I will repeat for your benefit - all (ten) other players and several of the audience said I was correct. I later got several emails supporting my stance.