The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96937   Message #1915019
Posted By: GUEST,Anti Arrogance
20-Dec-06 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: I walked out of session
Subject: RE: I walked out of session
Yeah Shaneo!
The session is the best I attend because I hear material I would not think of listening to and yet enjoy it when I hear it. Most of the performers are VERY talented at their style - some styles I don't enjoy (I can only take so much blues - sorry) but acknowledge their musicianship and try to follow their styles when its their turn to 'spotlight'. The beginners/novices are pleasant and keen and without this venue would probably give up/not start. One guy after listening for a couple of months, went out, bought a guitar and now sits in with good performers and is learning. He's not great but in time, who knows?
These are the people most disappointed by my non-appearance (so they say) because they can follow my simple chord progressions (mostly).
I have met blues and classical players I would never meet in a folk club and have become close friends with them (even performed in their blues club). So I am loath to walk completely - the organiser is also a close friend but plays in a band with the 'local'.

I will probably be accused of being immodest but in the interest of a complete tale - I am pretty well known in my area and am asked to attend every folk club around. I try to support each one as I get time. The two newcomers are good musicians (I actually love their music) but unknown in this area. The local is well known and rather than be invited is 'put off' by organisers when they can as he is a pain. I have nothing to fear from any of them and I would guess they would be the first to admit it! The 'local' asks me to sing at his club every time we meet.
Sorry to be so long winded but wanted you to get the picture!