The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97379   Message #1915188
Posted By: Bobert
20-Dec-06 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, what planet is he on
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, what planet is he on
Realistically speakin', Bush has looked around at what he has done and thought to himself, "Oh sh*t, I am a stupid as these folks say" and so he's trying to salvage anything... Yeah, journalists talk about how he is just a committed soul doing what he thinks is the right thing to do...

...but bottom line, Bush is clueless and looking at the very distinct possibility that hitorians will one day pronounce him the worst president ever he thinks that if he could only get a victory in Iraq then these historians will at the very least get him in the middle of the pack...

...which, of course, just shows again how dumb he actually is because Iraq is a lost cause... It was lost before "shock and awe" but the problem is that after the Bill Clinton impeachement thing that the Dems would be viewed as vengefull folks if they tried to impeach Bush for getting over a half million folks killed for purely political purposes???

If ever there was a president who needed to be removed from office, it's this creep...
