The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97379   Message #1915192
Posted By: Amos
20-Dec-06 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, what planet is he on
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, what planet is he on
He puzzled once about why the local leaders didn't appear and why they didn't take charge of their own destiny. This demonstrates an abysmal ignorance of what he was about in invading an Arabic country in the first place, where the will of Allah colors every agreement and every wish. If you say to someone "I'll see you tomorrow" his automatic response is "In'sh'allah!" (If Allah wills it). If you thank someone, they reply, "Do not thank me, thank Allah!" Taking charge of one's own destiny in such a culture is a rare and usually heretical event. But This was much too deep an idea for the Commander in Chief to bother worrying his ole self about.