The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97110   Message #1915420
Posted By: Rowan
21-Dec-06 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: Debating with deniers
Subject: RE: Debating with deniers
And, as well, all the Israelis (Jewish and Palestinian, whether Christian or Muslim) that can trace their ancestry completely in the area east of the Mediterranean are Semitic. I mention this because of a much earlier post making mention of antisemitism. I forget the name of the investigator (it might or might not have been associated with the collection of peoples' DNA from populations spread across the globe) but the DNA analysis of all those whose ancestry was limited to that part of the world variously known as Israel or Palestine showed they were all Semites, irrespective of religion. Arabs and Bedouins were not Semites, so all the nonsense about Muslim Palestinians being "Arabs" is just yet another example of fraternal conflicts being the most vicious of all conflicts.

Which means the pressure on us all to help resolve them rather than exacerbate them is that much more exquisite.

Cheers, Rowan